Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I'm Back!

Welcome to 2005!

2004 was a real crapper of a year, but it is finally over and a new year has started. It is going to be a good year, I can just feel it!

To sum up the remainder of 2004, it is pretty simple. Celebrated my five year anniversary with my girl, welcomed the arrival of my mother for Christmas and listened to all of my friends complain about how sick they were over Christmas holidays. All I am complaining about is that I have gotten too fat and that I really need to stop neglecting my workouts.

Marn celebrated her 30th birthday at a party put together by me and her friends. She had a great time and she really enjoyed the Palm Pilot we chipped in and got her. Spoiled Brat she is.

Christmas was good. Tons of presents and food...always a real treat since when Marn and I have Christmas by ourselves, we feast on Kraft dinner and hot dogs. We are sooo traditional.

New Year's Eve was very quiet. A couple of friends came over early in the evening and then Marn headed to bed around 9pm. I stayed up, watched some TV and avoided watching any TV New Year's Celebrations. How fun is it to watch other people having a good time? Anyway, I went outside in the freezing cold and listened to the fireworks going off downtown. Couldn't see anything, but I could hear them. It was nice. Yeah yeah, I am sooo boring!

New Year's Eve also started the ball running on "starting a family". Marn and I are planning on having a baby and while she gets into a doctor, I am working on donor agreements and reading up on adoption since I will want to adopt the baby.

I am so very excited about this. I mean any other time that we have talked about having a baby, I shyed away from the subject because it freaked me out terribly. I would be happy and excited, but the excitement was quick and gone. This time, I am excited but not to the point of it getting stale. I am reading up on things, taking the time to get used to the fact that in a couple of months time, we are hopefully going to be conceiving our child. I couldn't be happier. This is a good thing. I swear my biological clock started ticking with the New Year's rung in because I have never felt this way before.

I am freaked out about how mother will take it, because she hates the idea of us having children, but the child is for us not for her and I have to keep reminding myself of that. This is what we want and my mother's opinion, although it really doesn mean a lot to me, isn't going to change our decision...especially since she won't be told until Marn is about 3 months along. By then, she doesn't have a choice.

Well I have to run and get started with my work day. I wish I could be at home in bed because it is sooo cold out.

Hugs y'all!

Monday, August 30, 2004

So Let's Catch Ya Up!

Since I last wrote, plenty has happened. Nothing that I would consider over the top exciting, but its enough to put a smile on my face.

Marn and I came into a little bit of money (I won some from a that I play around on) and used it to buy tons of new stuff for the house. I never thought shopping could feel so guilt free, but amazingly enough, when you have the cash, guilt free comes with the territory.

Dad arrives in a couple of days and we are in the process of painting, cleaning and trying to get a bit more organized before his arrival. Not that we aren't organized, but it would be nice to have things a bit more complete. When he arrives though he will be put to work with painting. Lucky man, but then again, he offered.

Work is good, Marn is good and the cats are annoying but adorable as always. Could you expect anything less?

Ok, so this entry is really short, which really sucks because I do have more to write, but the woman is beckoning me. What now?


Saturday, August 21, 2004

God, I Truly Am A Boring Individual

Ok. It's Saturday evening and I am inside on a computer writing in my blog. For the record, I am now the Queen of Pathetic. I have two cats curled up in a chair behind me, a girlfriend in bed asleep (she was in bed at 9) and I am debating about whether or not I should watch a movie or some lame-ass television.

Today I achieved a lot though. Moved a ton of furniture around, did every single stitch of laundry there was to do and finished reading a really good book. Yep, that was my day. Either I am getting really old or I am stuck in a rut. Who knows. If anyone has the answer, please feel free to let me know.

I received an email from a girl I went to college with today. We don't chat that much but it is nice to hear from her every once in a while. I caught her up to speed with my life and I find it funny about how many people are stunned when I mentioned that I have suffered through cancer this year. Am I taking this too lightly? I mean it was caught, treatment worked and my tests results are all positive, so I don't see the big deal. I mean, yes I was terrified and did my damnedest to hide that but, when the day was over, I knew that being positive was the best way to be because negativity was going to do nothing but add to the problem. Weird.

Ok, time to make a decision about the rest of my night. I think I will curl up on the couch, put a movie in and listen to the rain outside. Thank God it is raining....not just for the forest fires but because I miss the sound of the rain. So soothing.

Hugs y'all!

Friday, August 20, 2004

It's a Long but Good News Day

So after a crazy bad year in the life of me, it is about time that something goes the way it is supposed to.

Yesterday I met with my doctor to get some tests done to see how my cancer was doing. Was it gone? Did I still need treatment? Was I going to suffer more depression? The results came back and everything was GREAT! I am so happy and finally feeling more positive than I was letting on. After the radiation was over and the final check-ups were done, even though I was given positive news, I knew the next check-up (this one) was going to be the better deal. Now that it has been done, I feel so much more confident that I have beaten it. Yipee!

Tonight the plan is to celebrate with my girl, that is after we do all of the running around that we need to do. Who knew renting a house could be so much work.

Well back to the grind so I can finish up with my day. No need to explain how excited I am about that.


First Blog - Yeah, this will put everyone to sleep!

Well this is my first official blog. I don't know what to say, but hell, who is really going to read this anyway.

First things's Friday, the weekend is literally hours away and I am hoping that it rains. Yes, I am hoping that it rains. Reason being - I have a ton of work to do inside and if it is nice outside I will have no motivation to do what I have to do, go outside and play. So yeah, I want rain.

Marn lost another baker yesterday and that bummed her out completely. Her boss, who can tend to be a little bit of jerk, said that she should have had more of a back-up of baking staff, but she did. For the small store she has, she had 5 bakers which is more than enough. One had to quit due to family issues, another one was leaving to go to school and then this new guy just decided that the work wasn't for him. So she has two bakers and she needs more. Anyone out there want to work in Victoria for $8/hour??

Poor thing :(

Things for me are all right. I am not doing much at work right now and I am not sure if that is because people just don't want to give me the work or if it is just because there really isn't much going on that I can do. Doesn't bother me much though because I can piss around, work on personal stuff and read the paper. Good times.

This weekend I get to patch holes, wash walls, vacuum, do laundry - I can sense your excitement....can you sense mine??

So yeah, that is about it for me. I will try to come up with more exciting things to write about, but really, I am not that exciting. I wish I would give my life so much more punch!!
